Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos

You really can't go wrong with hot chicks and good tatts. One of the things we love here in noda luka are under butt tattoos!

What could be better than a pair of legs in Daisy Dukes, walking on the board walk, with "Sweet Thing" scrawled on the back of her thighs in a sloping font to match her curves.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Under butt tattoo

They're like butt tattoos, but even better. Just the right placement; a good view begging for the creativity of your imagination.

The most popular pick on under butt tatts usually falls on the script category. They're often naughty words, tastefully done on a pair of lush hamstrings.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Lettering tattoo

Followed by some nice trads in color, taking up a rather good space below the bum. There's a lot of potential in this particular place and we bet that the under butt craze is just getting started.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Courtesy of Suicide Girls

Ladies, beware. People tend to have varied pain levels, but it seems that when the needle reaches near the bum, it goes uphill and you might want to bring something to hold on to because getting inked somewhere around the ass can hurt like a babes.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Getting tattooed

With no further ado, we'd like to present you the hottest thing you'll lay your eyes on today.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
It's an artception! A piece of art on a piece of art!

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Something that matches the sweetness of those sugar skulls.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Awesome tattoo

A full on tattoo stretching to the buttocks and thighs can be a really good idea when it's done well and with the right design.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Source: Instagram

Her collection is coming up pretty well!

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
A bit of inked in garter lace works, too.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Under butt tattoos

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Under butt snake tattoos

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Another reason to get under butt tattoos: wearing a bikini is 10x more fun.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Good Ol' script tatts.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Any sailor will surely lose control of the steer with the sight of this naughty-cal beauty!

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Lettering tattoo

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Katherine Suicide

Indeed it is.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Lenka87 Suicide

Wonder what Lenka will fill up that empty space with...

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
These are awesome.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
The way her tattoo wraps around her thigh is amazing.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Marceline Suicide

"Trust me, dear. I was only trying to figure out what your tattoo says."

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Man, we love redheads.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Lettering tattoo

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Awesome under butt tattoo

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Peewee Lauragee

Absolutely gorgeous pieces.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Now, those are some Japanese beauties!

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
We stand corrected when we said it couldn't get better.

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
This foxy lady, seriously, we can't get enough of her.

That will be all. Hope you enjoyed it!

Hot As Fvck Under Butt Tattoos
Have a nice week!

Disclaimer: we claim no ownership on the photos featured in this post. If you know someone's work or photograph that is featured here, kindly notify us so we can credit the artist/photographer. Thank you!