Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Perhaps the biggest fear for anyone getting a new lettering tattoo is the thought of it being spelled wrong! Tattoo spelling mistakes make for some funny but painful viewing, the knowledge that someone is walking round with ‘No Regerts’ branded across their neck can easily make you cringe!! The world of misspelt tattoos has been fulled massively by the rise of internet translation services, people go online and simply search for things like ‘strength in Chinese’ and whatever comes up they will take to a tattoo artist and get inked on their body… even if it’s wrong!!

Many people are quick to put the blame on the artist but at the end of the day it’s up to the client to ensure there words are correct! One of the biggest problems is people taking literal translations online instead of finding out what the equivalent word or phrase is in the desired language. One woman used an internet translation tool to translate ‘I Love David’ into Hebrew, but after getting the tattoo on her back she found that it actually read “Babylon is the world’s leading dictionary and translation software

If you’re in the market for a lettering tattoo ensure you’ve got the correct words and spelling and have a second pair of eyes check it! Ultimately THINK BEFORE YOU INK and don’t end up with a tattoo like these!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
What an 'awsome' tattoo!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
“Babylon is the world's leading dictionary and translation software"

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
We've seen this before and we'll see it again because that is some 'Jenius' ink!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
Marshian or Martian??

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
It happens to the best of them!!!

Actress Hayden Panettiere's tattoo read “Vivere senza rimpianti” (Live Without Regrets in Italian) but the last word was spelled wrong, it should have said “rimipianti”...A little ironic really!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
He thought it said 'Strength' in Hebrew...it actually it spells "matzoh," a cracker-like unleavened bread traditionally eaten by Jewish people during Passover.

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
One should 'Never Don't Give Up'... wait...something sounds wrong...

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
No Regerts...no words...

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
and everybody on the internet...

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
It's almost right!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
Regret Nohing...apart from this tattoo!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
'Strenght and Courage'

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
Shame...it's actually some decent ink!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
David Beckham's misspelled tattoo

Even the great tattoo ambassador David Beckham has a misspelt tattoo, what should say Victoria in Hindi actually reads 'Vihctoria'...

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!

Embarrassing Tattoo Spelling Mistakes!!
Just painful...