Walt Disney's Pride and Joy: Classic Mickey Mouse Tattoos
Mickey Mouse—Disney's star of all seasons and the most famous mouse in the world—finds himself in a series of classic and smashing tattoos.
Tattoo Ideas
Who knew a stray mouse passing by a young animator's desk in the early 1920's will soon be the iconic symbol of one of the largest and most recognized franchise in the world. I almost wonder if Walt Disney did visualize that the Disney empire would grow this massive years after he's gone. You can't have the Disney princesses, villains, Bambi, Stitch, or anyone else without the triad of circles any kid can easily recognize as ‘Mickey.’ From Steamboat Willie to Fantasia, from Mickey Mouse Club to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey may have not be your favorite Disney character but you know you can't do without him either. These fans celebrate their love with some pretty cool Mickey Mouse tattoos.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by JS Hamilton.
Mickey Mouse tattoo design by Sanghyuk Ko.
Mickey Mouse tattoo with space colors by @jflannel
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Helga Hagen.
Boxing Mickey Mouse tattoo by Meg Felix.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Miss Mae La Roux.
Sailor Mickey Mouse by Steve C.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Travis Broyles.
Mickey Mouse and Minnie by Steve Rieck.
Mickey Mouse portrait by Koji Ichimaru.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Arthur Zitka.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Woo Hyeun Heo.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Panchos Placas.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Panchos Placas.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by San Clark.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Marco Vergel.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Miss Mae La Roux.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by JS Hamilton.
Mickey Mouse tattoo design by Sanghyuk Ko.
Mickey Mouse tattoo with space colors by @jflannel
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Helga Hagen.
Boxing Mickey Mouse tattoo by Meg Felix.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Miss Mae La Roux.
Sailor Mickey Mouse by Steve C.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Travis Broyles.
Mickey Mouse and Minnie by Steve Rieck.
Mickey Mouse portrait by Koji Ichimaru.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Arthur Zitka.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Woo Hyeun Heo.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Panchos Placas.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Panchos Placas.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by San Clark.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Marco Vergel.
Mickey Mouse tattoo by Miss Mae La Roux.