Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

If you’re looking for the right artist to do your gore/horror piece, let us introduce you to the man who could do the job.

Paul Acker, a self-proclaimed ‘horror artist’ continues to wow us with every new piece he does.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

He got into tattooing by chance. As an 18-year-old Paul was showing his sketches of how he’d like his tattoo to look like, the guys at the tattoo shop were wowed by Paul’s art that they immediately offered him to apprentice on the spot. That was back in 2000. In a span of 15 years, Paul developed into an insanely skilled tattooist—with clients lining up to get booked halfway into the following year.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker
Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Aside from horror films, magazines like Fangoria and Tales From the Crypt sparked the young Paul’s interest in art and creating them.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Most of Paul’s works are a combination of contemporary films and horror classics—it’s what he does best.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

As a Watchmen fan, I’m totally digging this Rorschach piece.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Check out how he resurrected Jason Vorhees a few times!

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

He shares with Inked that one of the most important part of his tattoo process is the lighting, “I think the things that make a successful horror tattoo are also the same fundamentals that make a great horror movie: lighting, atmosphere, and a great character.”

“Dramatic lighting can change everything about a character,” he says. And even when dramatic lighting isn’t present in the original image, Paul tries to recreate it to give the tattoo more dimension and character.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Check out these these touch-up and cover-up works!

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

To sum up Paul’s works, I’d say he’s simply one bloody good artist a collector will be proud to wear on his sleeve.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

This is also what we mean by bloody good. Gore fans, get that Paul Acker piece on your lists.

Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Paul Acker

Follow on Facebook Paul Acker and Instagram @paulackertattoo