Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Colombia saw one of the best tattoo events in 2015 with the Cali Tattoo Festival which was attended by over 250 tattoo artists from all over the world and thousands of tattoo fans itching to either get tattooed or witness all that ink in a three-day tattoo affair.

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Body modification enthusiasts sporting tattooed faces, forked tongues, colored eyeballs, metal horns, sub-dermal implants, and stretched ears were eager to show off their body modifications and happy to be a part of the event, posing for photographers and making conversations with their fellow enthusiasts.

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Famed New York-based tattooer, Paul Booth was among the hundreds of tattoo artist who flew over to Colombia to take part in the Cali Tattoo Festival.

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

It truly was a day where bloodshed took place in the name of body art as hundreds of tattoo collectors and fans got inked by the best tattoo artists from all over the world who took some time off from their shops back home for this three-day event.

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

However, one man literally stood out among the thousands of other heavily heavily-modified individuals in the Cali Tattoo Festival. Or should we say he loomed over them all by hanging several feet above the ground with the help of merely two metal hooks plunged into his back through suspension.

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Colombian body modification artist, Damian Carnicero—whose stage name means “butcher” in Spanish—was a real show stopper with his suspension performance. He’s been pushing his body’s limits for years, despite the negative comments he constantly receives from others.

“I’m judicious in my work. My passion is to modify myself, to modify other people, and travel the world,” Carnicero told Colombian newspaper La Cronica del Quindio. “People imagine that I’m a bad person, that I’m dangerous because of the way I look. But they’re mistaken. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs.”

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Hanging, Slicing, and Inking at Colombia’s Cali Tattoo Festival

Not everyone went crazy making permanent decisions with their bodies in the festival, though. Just ask this woman who was pretty pleased with the splendid job an artist did on her body. Freaking fabulous, mate.