Get Inspired for Halloween with Bodypainting Corie Willet's

In a world where everything is digital, these practical, at-home effects will blow your mind.

Self-described amateur bodypainter Corie Willet is a mistress of visual deception. Her well-lit, beautifully-rendered, entirely unique bodypainting is an artform unto itself, and we are supremely enchanted.

As we get closer and closer to Halloween this year, we'll be featuring some of these incredible rising stars in the make-up and visual art industries. Now that everyone has fancy Snapchat filters right in their phones, and special effects experts everywhere are trying to trick us into whether that baby really is climbing over lava, it's nice to encounter someone like Willet who's simply using a straight forward point-and-shoot combined with some mad painting skills. Observe.

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Get Inspired for Halloween with  Bodypainting Corie Willet's

Inspired? Get yourself some Ben Nye and go to town, scary dumplings!

You can see even more amazing work Willet's at Instagram @twistinbangs