Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

After a short break, Chris Conn returned to the tattoo world with a bang!

Tattoo artist Chris Conn spent the 90's and early 2000's as one of the leading tattoo artists in the world. Known for his classic girl head tattoos, Conn had a reputation as one of the best up until his retirement from the industry in 2006. After a seven year break however Conn returned and brought his classy girl heads with him.

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Known for their bright colors, wide eyes and classic look, Conn's girl heads remain some of the best in the business and the selection below prove they've still got it.

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS: 10 Stunning Lady Heads By Olivia Olivier

Timeless Girl Tattoos by Chris Conn

Follwo Chris Conn on Instagram @chris_conn_tattoo