Tasteful & Wicked Pubic Tattoos
Let's focus on tastefulness, art and placement: the pubic tattoos. These are actually nice and sexy!
Check them out and much respect to the badass women featured here. WARNING: Not Safe For Work
Some women feel sexy with tattoos on this area and that's definitely okay.
It's WICKED, and only tough women can handle it.
Mandala patterns and dotwork are good design choices. Tattoo by Chaim Machlev, Dots to Lines.
Artist unknown
Does it hurt? you betcha!
Some women prefer a large piece design to extend all the way down and that's cool.
Check them out and much respect to the badass women featured here. WARNING: Not Safe For Work
Some women feel sexy with tattoos on this area and that's definitely okay.
It's WICKED, and only tough women can handle it.
Mandala patterns and dotwork are good design choices. Tattoo by Chaim Machlev, Dots to Lines.
Artist unknown
Does it hurt? you betcha!
Some women prefer a large piece design to extend all the way down and that's cool.