The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?

If you are not familiar with this Twitter phenomenon, the Punk Edit is the name given to that trend that consists in editing photos of celebrities or pop culture icons with Photoshop or online softwares, to add them tattoos, piercings and alternative looks.
If many Disney princesses and political leaders have had the punk treatment already, the coveted subjects are mostly teenagers’ crushes, youtubers we adults barely know, as well as the stars of gossip pages. But the internet community is irritated by the term. “Punk? Really, kiddo ?” they say.
Does our young generation really believe that tattoos, tunnels and Ramones t-shirts are making you a punk?
Look at Miley Cyrus and her twin sister Justin Bieber. They think that with tattoos, provocative behaviours and “badass” looks they can pretend to be punk and, in their mind, cool. Even with punk tattoos, they could not erase the fact they are products of the system and thus, totally not punk.
Punk is protesting. But let’s go back to the Punk Edit trend. Back then, we used to doodle on the magazines, adding moustaches and blackenning teeths of the then celebs. It is the social network, digital tools version of our teenagers’ graffiti.
And now, it is even considered as art. Cheyenne Randall became famous by photoshopping ancient icons of Hollywood. The goal is to give a more badass, sexy and nonconformist look to recognizable role models. It could be punk only if it was not trendy, and used to reject these celebs. But basically, it’s celebrating them. Again, the internet community is divided.
Cool, not cool?
Perhaps we could just call that the Tattoo Edit or the Fun Edit, because it is what it is. A guilty pleasure. And also a wish to see more tattooed celebs, preferably with good tattoos…
Until we see that happening, what we prefer is real tattoos (and if you want, of celebrities)…

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Not sure tattoos could make Taylor Swift closer to punk…

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Miley Cyrus thinks she’s punk. But apparently, not enough for her fans…

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Tell me the One Direction are NOT going to sing Nirvana songs…

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Cute tattooed girl… Oh wait, sorry I meant Justin Bieber.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Tattooed Benedict Cumberbatch would drive the fans hysterical.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Chloe Moretz would be great with tattoos… possible now she is 18!

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Punk Daenerys? We could buy this.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Harry Potter in the other hand…

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
One word: yummy.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Jen is the punk, even without tattoos.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
John Snow with tattoos, hot or not?

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
It’s Punker Games for Josh Hutcherson.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Well, that’s Katy. Everything looks fine with her.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Kristen is trying very hard to make us forget about Twillight.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Tattooed Lana is now a classic. Or a fantasy if you prefer.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Matthew Gray Gubler has the look.

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
Rap vs. punk?

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
A tattooed Ryan is not really original if you’ve seen his movies.

The Punk Edit is average but c’mon, it’s Scarlett!

The Punk Edit Phenomenon: Yay Or Nay?
A punk edit of Cheyenne Randall has inspired this rad tattoo of James Dean by QTattoo Lee…