Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Slovenian photographer Matija Tomc and stylist Spela Jambrek did this awesome photo shoot.

They decided that they did not want to glamorise pregnancy and depict it in the elegant and magical way most expecting mothers do. They wanted to show the public that pregnancy is not just a fairytale, so they did a very honest photo shoot with 23-year-old tattooed model Mateia Kogoj and named it “I Had Sex 9 Months Ago”. Straight to the point, aren't we now.

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Welcome to the cool tattooed parent club.

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Mateia Kogoj is living proof that you can still be super sexy & super pregnant at the same time
- writes Matija.

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

I Had Sex 9 Months Ago” was shot at Mateia's apartment in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

“Welcome to motherhood, Mateia! Its a long, tiring, emotional journey and the best one you will ever make,” the photographer writes.

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

Tattooed Pregnant Woman Poses For A Fun And Frank Pregnancy Shoot

See the rest here. Visit Matija's website.