Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know: Alex Strangler

Tattoos, like any other art forms, are composed of many styles and distinct touches depending on the artist.

Sometimes, it varies depending on the area. Many styles have since evolved through the many eras, going back to the sailor days and even before that. New school tattoos have given birth to a variety of forms, developing a creative pool of 21st century tattoo artists that keep expanding the possibilities of the art form.

Alex Strangler

Okay, we didn't really need that long explanation. I guess I just needed an introduction to a new segment I hope to keep consistent in the blog, Tattoo Artists You Really Should Get to Know. As we all know, the web is where many, many talented people are hidden, which includes the artists. I mean, I wouldn't have known most of the artists I look up to now if I hadn't stumbled upon an Tumblr post about them or their work. I hope to also see the nodaluka artists blossom, using nodaluka as an outlet for development.

Alex Strangler

Okay, without any further ado, I'd like to introduce a very lovely lady by the name of Alex Strangler who makes really tasty pieces for the skin. Living in Los Angeles, CA, she works at The Dolorosa Tattoo Company in Studio City.

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Ms. Strangler is quite a well-known name in the scene, with her adorable custom-mades and pop culture references, it's hard not to fall in love with her quirky works, reflecting an even quirkier artist.

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

She does a lot of Daria, Beavis & Butthead, The Simpsons, Tina Belcher and Disney. It's like a childhood tatt dream come true. She's nailing it.

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler

Alex Strangler