Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

At just 23 years old, Miryam Lumpini is already a force to be reckoned with in not only the world of tattooing, but fine art as well.

Miryam Lumpini is perhaps one of the most intriguing people I've ever come across. I'll be honest, the first thing that drew me in was pure aesthetics- Miryam herself is just this beautiful explosion of color and personality. These qualities carry over into the many mediums she utilizes in her art- and her story is impressive. At just 23 years old, she's experienced more than most.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Miryam Lumpini

Miryam was raised in a small town on the west coast of Sweden by her mother, who was an artist. Miryam knew from a young age that she also wanted to be an artist- but her mother made it very clear how difficult it is to make a living of it. This didn't really stop her though- rather than shy away from the idea, she continued on to study photography and graphic design in high school to learn as much as she could. Deep down, though- she knew school wasn't really her thing. She was ready to take on the real world.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Miryam Lumpini.

When Miryam was done with school, she didn't really have a game plan. She kinda just knew she wanted to make art, and make money while doing it. That's when the idea of tattooing came into play.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Miryam Lumpini.

Miryam knew that tattooers had the potential to make great money- if they were good enough. So, she got to work. Not even 18 yet and with no real tattoos- she started hanging out a local tattoo shop and began to practice drawing in tattoo-styles. She learned that not only did she love doing it- she was also really good at it.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Miryam Lumpini.

Since no one at the shop would tattoo her because she was underage- she did what most people in the tattoo industry greatly look down upon... She bought a tattoo kit online, and started practicing on herself and her friends. Admittedly, they looked like shit.

Miryam knew if she wanted to really learn and be taken seriously, she needed to find a proper apprenticeship. She ended up connecting through a friend with an artist who was looking to take on someone- so she moved across the country to pursue the opportunity. It ended up being sort of a sketchy situation and the guy turned out to be a shithead who didn't really have much interesting in delivering the kind of guidance he had promised- so she left. Luckily, she found solace in her boyfriend's tattoo artist- who, after hearing her story, decided to personally take her under his wing. She worked under him for 3 years and by the age of 20, she was already winning Best of Show categories at tattoo conventions across Europe and gracing the cover of tattoo magazines.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Rabbit chestpiece.

After a trip to L.A, Miryam fell in love with the city (and a boy) and decided to make the epic move to the US. After all of the struggles that come along with moving to a new country, she decided the most appealing scenario for her was to work on a freelance basis- whether that be tattooing or doing commissioned paintings. This allows her to work at her own pace, which- as any artist understands- is the dream.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Detail of a painting.

Miryam's work- both her tattoos and fine art- is psychedelic and other-worldly. With swirling textures, color and imagery- her work is sort of a new-school, decorative, urban depiction of nature. Many of her pieces feature animals, plants and interesting patterns- all in the most vivid colors. Her personal style and confidence translates directly into her art- which is why it's so undeniably powerful.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Detail of a painting.

At only 23 years old with so much life experience, we can only imagine what's to come for Miryam. With her extreme talent and wisdom far beyond her years- we know that even greater things are to come for the young artist.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Wolf hand tattoo.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and to figure out what works for you, and trust your instincts to pursue your passions. Even if that means leaving everything you know behind and not knowing what the future holds. Don’t ever do it for anyone other than yourself and understand that no one can pave that path for you. And don’t let your past experiences, no matter how reckless, define you, embrace your ambition and what it’s taken to get you to where you are. Embrace the person your experiences have created.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

Miryam Lumpini @miryamlumpini is truly an inspiration, for not only other artists- but for anybody who has a goal. She's the perfect example of realizing your dream, following it and doing whatever you have to do to make it happen- and then KILLING it. Keep up the good work, Miryam. You've got a long, bright future ahead of you.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Miryam Lumpini

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Awesome backpiece tattoo.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Bug tattoo.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Nice tattoo design.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Detail of a painting.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Panda painting.

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini

Artist Spotlight: Miryam Lumpini
Detail of a painting.