GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS: 10 Stunning Lady Heads By Olivia Olivier

I've said it once, and I'll say it again — there's something about a woman's touch that makes a lady tattoo just that much better. Of course there are tons of beautiful man-made (see what I did there?) tattoos of ladies out there that are beautiful, and I'm not downplaying them, but... I am however full-blown, straight-up, 100% biased. Ladies makin' ladies. That's where it's at. That's my shit.

Olivier is a kickass artist tattooing out of Everlasting in San Francisco, California. While the spectrum of her subject matter is broad, and she slays it all — it's her broads that really get us. The feminine sensitivity Olivier instills within those big glossy eyes and perfectly coifed hair is not to be fucked with — not to mention the impeccably placed freckles and absurdly strong brow game. I could keep going, but why don't you just take a look at some of her most bangin' babes below instead.

Olivia OlivierOlivia Olivier
Freckled cutie

Olivia Olivier
Sad girl

Olivia Olivier
Forever Dreaming

Olivia Olivier
Witchy cat lady

Olivia Olivier
Bat babe

Olivia Olivier
Black and grey beauty

Olivia Olivier
Elegant vintage

Olivia Olivier
Same, girl.

Olivia Olivier
Gypsy woman

Olivia Olivier
That stare though.

Like what you see? Of course you do.

Keep up to speed with Olivier's latest work via Instagram @olivia_olivier