The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs

I am loving the videos from this vlogger who is passionate about tattoos.

Vintage photos of typewriters, crystals, tarot cards, mandalas, spell books, skulls, tattoos, candles...the list goes on, but basically Harmony Nice is a girl after my own heart.

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs
Vlogger Harmony Nice

Her YouTube and Instagram are sparkling graveyards of spooky autumnal heaven - gorgeous photography of nature, videos on witchcraft, tattoo aftercare hints and tips, as well as delving into her own personal experiences of spirituality and tattooing.

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs
Spells, spells, spells (and tea!)

Even slightly interested in Wicca and the supernatural? After you watch the videos, guaranteed you'll be just as geeky about it as I am.

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs
Lovin the fall inspired theme

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs
Ouija and mandala tattoo

This tattoo aftercare advice is on point. I follow the exact same steps myself, and equally as obsessed with the Lush creams Harmony uses in her video. Srsly, get involved.

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs

Below is one of my favourite videos. As a fan of Grace Neutral's work, it was awesome to hear the whole tattoo journey from the viewpoint of one of her clients.

The Tattooed Witch: Harmony Nice's Inspiring Video Blogs
Typewriter and tea - the perfect combo

Videos from Harmony's YouTube and gorgeous photos from Instagram @peachycinnamon