16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art

When contemporary art is inspired by tattoo art...

Painting, illustration, sculpture, digital art, street art, etc: paying a tribute to tattooing and tattooed people.

Now that tattoo is recognized as an art, many artists are showing their love for ink in their artworks. Tattooed or not, the artists are now adorning the bodies of their heroines and heroes. Tattoos are thus a drawing inside the drawing... A very cool way to pay a tribute to tattooing... If you love art, you will love this selection of tattooed artworks!

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed Sailor Moon illustration

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Painting inspired by tattoos

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed Amy Winehouse illustration

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed Rihanna digital art

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed painting by Melissa Hartley

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Inked illustration by Liz Clements

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Dreamy inked painting by Kristy Gordon

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Inked illustration by Julie Filipenko

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed sculpture by Jessica Harrison

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed painting by Jason Juta

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Awesome inked painting by Helen Upton

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattooed art by Chris Guest

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Inked art by Caroline Gariba

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattoo art by Candice Bohannon

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattoo arty by Caia Koopman

16 Artworks That Celebrate Tattoo Art
Tattoo art