Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

“It’s ridiculous as it’s 2016, not 1916.” Eleven tattooed women show off their ink and talk about the discrimination they encounter.

A tattooed people, as they are, are already getting enough discrimination, but it seems like being a woman makes it even worse.

HuffPost assistant picture editor Tahira Mirza and lifestyle writer Natasha Hinde hears out the stories of eleven tattooed women who, at some point, experienced discrimination as women with tattoos. These vary from snarky comments to straight-up verbal abuse which targets, not just the women's tattoos, but the fact that they are women.

‘With guys, it’s a hipster thing - you’re seen as cool and edgy,’ observed Poorna Bell. ‘With women, a lot of people assume you must be compensating for something or you’re somehow looser with your morals and it’s ridiculous as it’s 2016, not 1916.’ She believes that there's a massive gender disparity still happening everywhere, especially when you have tattoos.

Julia Seizure

Tattoo artist Julia Seizure chose to see it in a more positive light. ‘People can be dicks, people can be nice’

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos
‘My favourite reaction was being called a pirate by a toddler in the bank’

Reka Vincze

Reka Vincze, a Hungarian living in the UK opened up about how worse the societal double standards are in her home country. Whereas it's perfectly acceptable for men to acquire tattoos, tattooed women are frowned upon.

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

Poorna Bell

"With guys, it’s a hipster thing - you’re seen as cool and edgy. With women, a lot of people assume you must be compensating for something or you’re somehow looser with your morals. It’s ridiculous as it’s 2016, not 1916."

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos
"It’s 2016, not 1916."

Eva Hartley

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

Eva Hartley believes that female ‘masculinity’ or ‘butchness’ is often associated with tattoos on women—not that there's anything wrong with women with stronger personalities and ‘masculine’ characteristics.

Jessie Thompson

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos
"My tattoos remind me that I can withstand hours of intense pain and also that my body is my own and I can do whatever I want with it.”

Elizabeth Ramone

Women On The Discrimination They Face Everyday For Their Tattoos

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