Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry

Windle Berry is your type of a tattoo artist if you're a fan of traditional tattoos with a twist.

Old school style and out the box thinking make a deadly combination for the tattoos of Windle Berry.

Traditional tattoos will always be a favorite of any tattoo lover. They are where western tattooing began and bridge the gap from the present to the early days of the industry. Of course, there are some who believe that when you've seen one traditional tattoo you've seen them all, but one look at the traditional tattoos of Windle Berry will prove those people wrong.

Berry's traditional tattoos are certainly a little different from the traditional tattoos you're used to. Bringing some abstract and off the wall style, the work of Windle Berry is simply awesome and unique.

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Dagger tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Dragon tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Panther rose tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Grim Reaper Tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Heart dagger by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Skull tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Mermaid tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Dragon head tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Tiger tattoo by Windle Berry

Off The Wall Traditional Tattoos By Windle Berry
Dragon dagger tattoo by Windle Berry

Remember to give Windle Berry a follow on Instagram @windleberry