Lauryn McClain Debuts Two New Tattoos

The singer took to Instagram and Snapchat to show off her new ink.

Lauryn McClain and her sisters have been releasing music since back in 2012, with great success. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, the trio have taken the Pop and R&B genres by storm.

Recently, Lauryn took to Instagram and Snapchat to debut some new tattoos that she got courtesy of tattoo artist Vince Espinoza.

Lauryn McClainLauryn McClain Debuts Two New Tattoos
Lauryn McClain getting her tattoo.

When it comes to the meaning behind the tattoos, the singer has been a bit more cryptic. She hasn't specifically mentioned why she got the ink, but she captioned the Instagram post with this...

"arrows 🏹 #GodandMe"

Not too sure what that means, but you could have watched the entire ordeal on McClain's Snapchat, and there is a video of her getting the tattoo on her Instagram page as well.

Lauryn McClain Debuts Two New Tattoos
Lauryn McClain's new arrow tattoos.

Maybe McClain will provide further clarification at a further date, but until then, this is all we have to go off of. I'm sure she'll get some more tattoos as well, once you get the itch, it's hard to kick the tattoo habit.