20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran

Panther Tattoo Jiran tattoos are some of the quirkiest and off-beat tattoos we've seen, and they're awesome!

Tattooing from Seoul, Korea, this awesome tattoo artist has a style like no one else has got. Bold and simple, the tattoos have a cartoon feel to them and represent a very different style to what tattoo fans are used to. Clean lines and incredible detail are not what his tattoos are about and it wouldn't be right if they were. The somewhat ignorant style makes the tattoos made by this great tattoo artist something special and a fun alternative to other contemporary styles.

Take a look at these 20 quirky tattoos by Panther Tattoo Jiran and if they're your thing then be sure to shown them some love on Instagram @jiran_tattoo, but for now, enjoy some unusual and bold tattoos that you can't help but love!

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky bear head tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky bird tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Funny cat tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Panther tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky frog tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky scissors tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Iron man head tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky tiger tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky cigarette tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky Mickey Mouse tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky panther head tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky ciggaretes tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky flower tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky shark head tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Sweet heart tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Funny flower tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky dinosaur tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky alien tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Marijuana spider tattoo

20 Quirky Tattoos By Panther Tattoo Jiran
Quirky whale tattoo