Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Illustrator Andrew Tarusov is back with another set of Star Wars pin-up ladies that is bound to get you shooting for the stars!

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

One of our favorite pin-up artists is back and he’s joining in on the hype of the galaxies! BB-8 is a bae, that’s why.

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Never saw Yoda this way but…

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Won’t mind if she uses that saber on us, man.

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

As much as this drawing is making us utterly uncomfortable, glad to see Jabba trade in his usual hookah for a blunt.

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

She may so maul us any freaking time.

Star Wars Pin-Up Ladies For Your Inner Geek Fantasies

Check out Andrew’s Disney villain and Americana pin up series, too!