Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee

This week’s featured artist on “Fine Artists Take On Tattoos” is an unbelievably talented illustrator, Rik Lee.

Last week, I started a weekly post about fine artists who choose to use tattooed subjects in their work. Since we love and appreciate all forms of art here at Noda Luka, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what’s going on outside of the tattoo world- and how other artists from all different mediums are using it as inspiration.

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Rik Lee is an extremely well-rounded artist, being not only an amazingly talented illustrator-but a clothing designer as well. Boasting “Island Life”, the clothing from her line- Rik & Reg- is easy, breezy, tropical and fun. We’re all for that. Her illustrations, however, exude a different kind of edge that we just can’t get enough of. Most of her subjects are bright, beautiful tattooed women (and some men, too.)

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Her illustrations, which she uses a variety of materials to create (pen, ink, colored pencils, markers, etc.) are, for lack of a better term- the epitome of eye candy. Literally sensory overload. From the gorgeous color palette, to the insane details, and unique settings to the dreamy subjects of varying aesthetics- her pieces are equal parts stunning and fun. Not to mention, in technical terms- pretty damn flawless. I mean, look at that hair up there. Goddamn.

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

With each piece giving a nod to a certain genre, ethnicity or culture- every single one is unique and just as gorgeous as the next. And the best part, in our opinion? The tattoos!

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

From traditional American tattoos (like above) to beautiful mandalas, to a myriad of other classical styles of tattooing- Rik Lee pretty much covers all of the bases. And that’s that shit we like.

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

You know what else is great about Rik Lee’s killer work?! You can buy it all on her online store! And if you’re into checking out her super fun, never-ending-summer clothing as well- you can see that And lastly, don’t forget to follow her on Instagram at @rikleeillustration for constant updates on her latest works and other ventures.
But I’ll quit rambling now and let the art speak for itself- here are some of my favorite pieces by Rik Lee. Enjoy!

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration

Fine Artists Take On Tattoos: Rik Lee Illustration