Adele Fan Gets Her Signature Tattooed On His Arm

He's ROLLING IN THE INK! Sorry, everyone. One such fan is David McDonald

Adele is one of the best-selling artists of our time, and her recent string of albums have brought her tons of accolades, fame, and wealth. The singer also has legions of fans that worship the ground she walks on.

One such fan is David McDonald. McDonald, a North Carolina resident, recently drove to Adele's concert in Nashville where he and his friend Olivia Albertson were pulled on stage by the singer because Adele was a fan of McDonald's shirt.

Adele Fan Gets Her Signature Tattooed On His Arm
Adele second guesses whether it was a good idea to bring some fans on stage.

A tuxedo t-shirt? Really? Really Adele?

Anyway, they were on stage together, snapped a selfie, and Adele signed David's arm. She warned David not to get it tattooed permanently on his arm, so what did David do?

David headed directly to the tattoo shop to get the signature permanently tattooed on his arm.

Adele Fan Gets Her Signature Tattooed On His Arm
Adele's signature.

"That was kind of the whole point," McDonald said to News Channel 5, "She wrote on my freaking arm!"

Let's just hope he doesn't wear that tuxedo t-shirt around to every concert hoping to be pulled on stage.