Woman Crush Wednesday : Jewel Sha'ree Eaves

Jewel Sha'ree a mom of two and a wife. Blogger fashion and beauty and our newest #WCW

Our #WCW’s are always women with beauty, brains, and ambition. Regardless of who they are, or what they do, their common denominator is their drive, and while most are models, artists, or small business owners, this week’s WCW is our very first blogger.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Jewel Sha'ree Eaves' style is adorable.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Jewel Sha'ree Eaves and her son.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Jewel Sha'ree Eaves for one of her style.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Eaves shows off her personal style.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Eaves and her daughter

Jewel Sha’ree Eaves is equal parts mom and blogger. With a focus on fashion, beauty, DIY, and lifestyle, Eaves is on a mission to bring style to every suburban household on a budget. With “haul videos,” an unboxing video of sorts that shows the viewer new makeup that the blogger has acquired, makeup tutorials, and DIY videos, she’s also a bonafide YouTuber. Her videos cover everything from the best makeup to buy if you’re on a budget to household DIY’s, like how to make an accent pillow, and even a festive recipe or two. Her personal style favors pastels, classic silhouettes like pencil skirts, and button downs, and is best described as preppy meets functional. With over 12K Instagram followers and counting, Eaves is definitely one to watch out for.

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Wheelin' with Eaves and her son

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Eaves' makeup skills are fantastic

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Eaves demonstrates easy family costumes for Halloween

Jewel Sha'ree Eaves
Eaves has our hearts

You can see more of Eaves’ work on her blog and Instagram @jewelsharee

Want to see more #WCW’s? Check out the #WCW hashtag for some of our favorite brainy babes.