Woman Crush Wednesday : Alie Layus

Photographer and DJ, how much more perfect can you get?

It’s a little known fact that once you make the move to Los Angeles, the city bestows upon you a small welcome gift: the first is the gift of ungodly good looks. The great news is that even if you’re of average appearance, upon crossing the L.A County line you somehow become unbearably good looking. If you’re already good looking, well then, A+! Good for you, your natural good looks get promoted to goddess level upon arrival. The entire city is comprised of ridiculously attractive people. The second gift is this innate sense of “cool”. Regardless of whether or not you were “cool” before you lived here (perhaps you were a bumbling idiot who frequently tripped over vacuum cords, resulting in rug burns on your chin that resembled a massive hickey. I could be speaking from personal experience. Who knows?) once amongst the L.A Elite, you transform into a hip, young goddess whose pastimes include hanging out with young Hollywood starlets, acro-yoga, and going out on Tuesday nights. Our Woman Crush Wednesday this week is none other than undeniably cool, L.A Goddess, Photographer and DJ, Alie Layus.

Alie Layus
Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Smoke by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Censored by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Shannon Barkerr for Nakid Magazine by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Photographer by day, DJ by night, Alie Layus is one of those multi-talented, perfect human beings that most of us can only aspire to be. Her photographs, beautifully composed and often emanating that certain “California glow,” are what we can only assume is a peek into her world. Depicting beautiful images of the perfectly tanned and toned Los Angeles elite, her photos portray a beautiful, rose colored hue of the city, and we often find ourselves longing for the West coast. And she’s a DJ, I mean honestly, how perfect can you possibly get?

Alie Layus
Tomboy by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Photo by Alie Layus for Nakid Magazine via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Shannon Barkerr for Nakid Magazine by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Shot by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Girls Girls Girls by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Playboy by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Zoe by Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus

Alie Layus
Alie Layus via instagram @alielayus