Chill out Before You Rip on Drake's New Tattoo

It's easy to make fun of Drizzy, but you might want to take a second to make sure you know what you're talking about before you do.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of this post I want to be on the record and say that I understand the desire to make fun of Drake. Whether we’re talking about his cornball acting back in the Degrassi days or about his complete inability to dance, there are plenty of punchlines to go around. Mocking Drizzy is almost an internet rite of passage. So it came as no surprise when people lined up to bash Drake’s latest tattoo. The shocking thing was that for the first time in my life I felt the need to stand up for the Canadian rapper and drop some knowledge on all of these haters.

Sorry fools, Drake’s tattoo is legit.

Chill out Before You Rip on Drake's New Tattoo
Drake's recent tattoo addition that has caused such an uproar. Via IG - @_dr_woo_

The most common shade being thrown at Drake is that the tattoo looks like it was based off of a temporary tattoo found at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box. This shows a complete lack of knowledge about the art of tattooing that we just can’t tolerate. The man behind this piece of body art is the legendary Dr. Woo, one of the most sought out artists in the industry. The extreme level of detail within the skull is the sort of skill that takes tattooists decades to be able to perfect.

Working with a single needle, Dr. Woo is able to exquisitely bring out even the most minute aspects of his subject matter. Just take a second to actually focus in on the skull’s jawbone. Not a single stroke of the tattoo machine was wasted, each one is essential towards giving the bone texture. As per usual, the hordes on Twitter just don’t know what the hell they are talking about. So while Steve Frederick (Twitter @SportsGuyTweets) may think that the tattoo “looks like it was placed on by a volunteer mom at a church festival,” it is in actuality a fantastic piece of art by one of the world’s top tattoo artists.

Chill out Before You Rip on Drake's New Tattoo
Drake and Popcaan hanging out, having a good time, being bros. Via IG - @popcaanmusic

Now that we’ve cast those bozos aside it’s time to address the haters that focused on the subject matter of the tattoo. The flaming skull and “Unruly” are a clear tip of the hat to Popcaan and his crew. Look, I didn’t even know who Popcaan was half an hour ago, but it’s clear that the Jamaican DJ and the Canadian rapper are pretty tight. Who gives a shit if the pals get tattoos that are shout-outs to each other? Popcaan was sporting a fresh OVO tattoo earlier in the week, after all. In our eyes this is a combination of two pretty cool things — a buddy tattoo and a musical tattoo. How is this any different than when a couple of friends get matching swallow tattoos or when a punk gets a Black Flag tattoo? The only real difference is that in this scenario the people with the tattoos are insanely famous and under immense public scrutiny.

I hate to get overly preachy, but mellow the hell out people. There are at least a million things to hate on in this world, why are we going out of our way to bust on someone for getting a well-done tattoo that you might not understand? Let's channel our energies somewhere else. That being said…. All the props in the world to Lil Zika Cigarette (Twitter @th0tcouture) for asking, “why Drake got a tattoo of a angry brussel sprout?” That's just too damn funny.