Someone Finally Found Maisie William's 'Secret' Tattoo

Seemingly every celebrity tattoo is endlessly documented but Williams had a secret one... until she mentioned it on Twitter.

Maisie Williams, of Game of Thrones fame, is quite a tattoo fan. She has several pieces of body art on her body and isn't too shy about letting her fans in on the placement and meaning behind them.

But Williams took to Twitter the other day to posit the question, "Someone gonna spot my other tattoo yet or what…."

What?! Williams has another tattoo that her super-fans don't know about yet? Oh, Maisie. You are quite the clever little devil, aren't you?

Someone Finally Found Maisie Williams' 'Secret' Tattoo
Maisie Williams.

Her followers then went on a hunt to see if they could spot her hidden and secret ink that no one has found yet. One little tweet led to a lot of research, manpower, and heartbreak when no one could discover this secret ink.

Suddenly, a hero rose to the occasion. Twitter user, @lovelymaisiew, a Maisie Williams fan account posted the picture of the tattoo with the nonchalant caption, "I did a long time ago."

The tattoo is on Williams' ankle and it's a couple of Japanese kanji characters, which roughly translates to "adventure."

Someone Finally Found Maisie Williams' 'Secret' Tattoo
Maisie Williams' ankle tattoo.

You can't fool us, Maisie. We are too keen and cunning to deceive. We will get to the bottom of your tattoos if it's the last thing we ever do on this planet. Your fans are ravenous and will stop at nothing to know the location and meaning behind every single one of your tattoos. You can not hide, Arya Stark!