Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos

Patternwork tattoos like you've never seen before.

These nipple tattoos will leave you wanting your own, so beware!

Reception of nipple tattoos is a mixed bag, some love them and others hate them. What you can't deny however is that they look so good when done right- and what better style for a nipple tattoo than a gorgeous geometric pattern. Tattooed by some of the world's finest blackwork and geometric tattooers, these nipple tattoos are awesome. If you don't like them you don't have to look, but if you do then you're in for a treat!

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by David Boggins

Stylish, elegant and all the inspiration you need for your own badass nipple tattoo, these geometric designs may just push you to get your own. Check them out and enjoy some outrageously good nipple art!!

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by @divinemomentsofpain

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by Fliquet Renouf

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by Liz Mason

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by Matt Craven Evans

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by Mikkel Østberg

Glorious Geometric Nipple Tattoos
Nipple Tattoo by Paris Pamela