Science Says Chicks Dig Dudes With Tattoos — SCIENCE!

Recent studies show that women are more attracted to tattooed men.

Well guys, everything my tattooed brethren have been telling me is apparently true. You see, I have no tattoos, but everyone with tattoos has always told me, "Ladies love tattoos, dude!"

And now they have the science to back it up.

According to the journal Personality and Individual Differences, women are more attracted to men with tattoos.

Science Says Chicks Dig Dudes With Tattoos — SCIENCE!
A sexy tattooed man.

Researchers say, historically, having tattoos was a sign of health and wellness, as well as a sign of masculinity. One of the authors of this study said, "Women perceived tattoos as a signal of good health, masculinity, aggressiveness and dominance."

Not only that, but the researchers found that men with tattoos were perceived as having higher social rank. This finding seems to spit in the face of the societal perception that tattoos are for lower-class citizens and all the other negative stigmas surrounding tattoos.

Another interesting tidbit the study found was the fact that men without tattoos saw men with tattoos as more intimidating and dominant. The study stated, "Men's tattoos may intimidate same-sex rivals as a signal of physical preponderance."

Science Says Chicks Dig Dudes With Tattoos — SCIENCE!
Tattooed couple.

So, after reading all of these findings, I should probably make an appointment to see a tattoo artist right? I mean, I work at a tattoo website, a scientific study showed that ladies love tattoos, and they just look super badass. Having a hard time justifying not having a tattoo asides from the excuse that it might hurt? I've really got no excuse.